A Note From The Craftsman:

As a small business owner, everything is personal and no detail is too small. Each project is treated with the utmost care and attention & tailored to your own unique needs. No two pieces are ever alike and every piece of wood inherently tells its own story. Most inspired by the medium I work with, each piece of furniture is crafted to compliment its woods’ natural characteristics, built to work in your space.

I want to make the custom furniture process easy and accessible for everyone. Feel free to reach out even if you’re not 100% sure of what you want - it’s always fun to explore options together.

In-stock items are also great references. Dont be afraid to ask for an original design already listed on the site, in a new size or wood selection.


Meet The Shop Cats

Meet Bobs & Franks, formally Bobbi and Frankie. Two female Devon Rex cats that are a little more monkey than typical cat. Bobs is your ever-loving extrovert who wants to be cuddled by all, while Franks is the curiously cautious introvert who needs selective attention.

You’ll see them often if you follow along: @xx44woodworks